Ear infections are one of the most common diseases of childhood. It is especially common between the ages of 0-3 years. Anatomically narrower airways, flatter Eustachian tubes, incomplete development of body resistance even in simple infections may be some of the reasons. The risk factor increases in babies who take a bottle lying down and vomit frequently.
In particular, night restlessness, frequent awakenings, crying attacks, and tugging at the ears are symptoms that can generally be seen in children aged 0-3 years. Most of the time, the family does not think that these findings could be the problem in the ear and sleepless nights continue for both the child and the parents.
In recurrent middle ear infections (otitis) that are overlooked, late speech and learning disorders may also be observed due to a temporary decrease in hearing. Again, a child’s inability to concentrate due to chronic pain can often end with a visit to a psychiatrist.
However, in many children, the source of the event is the ear and the child shows it with his/her behavior because he/she cannot explain it. It is often the parents who fail to perceive. One of the most important findings is unresponsiveness or repetition to vocal stimuli. Sitting close to the television can also be a symptom.
In frequently recurring middle ear infections, the cause of recurrence should be investigated as well as the treatment of the disease. Allergic nature, reflux, recurrent sinusitis attacks, adenoid, cystic fibrosis diseases such as diabetes should always be taken into account. Appropriate antibiotics should be administered and the improvement should be monitored at regular intervals and followed up with ear measurements when necessary. Unfortunately, where we live also plays an important role in triggering these diseases in children. The city of Antalya, where our otolaryngology clinic is located, is a disadvantage in this sense.
Families usually come to us with the history of the family physician, pediatrician and most frequently the emergency room, which is visited in every ear infection. Naturally, at these stages, the diagnosis is delayed due to the narrow outer ear in children, the inability to adequately evaluate the membrane due to the dirt that may be in front of the eardrum, and technological impossibilities.
First of all, a good examination with pediatric endoscopes will reveal the cause of recurrences to a great extent.The most important risk for Antalya is the effects of sinusitis secondary to allergies on the ear.If the physician gives treatment for middle ear infection and the underlying diseases do not improve, the child will return to his old state in a short time.As a result, the family’s frustration will end with changing physicians and the disease will be started again with another doctor, and the child will suffer the damage again.
The important thing is to confirm that the disease has completely passed as well as the treatment of the middle ear infection. This period can sometimes take up to 6-8 weeks. Even if the ear infection passes, fluid may remain in the middle ear (serous otitis), and the complete elimination of the fluid takes both time and control of factors such as sinusitis, reflux, allergy.
Middle ear infection:
- It is not the first time it has happened to you, your child will not be the last, every child can have the disease on average 1 time.DON’T WORRY!
- Frequent turning in bed at night, restlessness, sweating in the head area, upper respiratory tract obstructions are common, which may be important in the cause and recurrence of middle ear infections.
- The exact duration of treatment may vary depending on factors such as sinusitis, reflux, allergy.